Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011



Democracy is increasingly seen to be something ideal when many events occur in the process of practice. Various regimes trying to make democracy a reality in many businesses in it. Although it is an authoritarian regime which significantly inversely related to democracy instead. Authoritarian regime is a system that can also be called the traditional customs. This regime as an inheritance, which the ruling that there is a single leader who obtained the right leadership and then run a government based on a single rule that made (personal rule).

Because this way is considered undemocratic, then evolutionary process is emerged. The first form of dictatorship is dictatorship by an emerging of organization leaders. In the chronology of history, this can be seen since the military coup by Napoleon Bonaparte as a pioneer of a new type of personal rule that is rule by the leader of an organization. Real case is the scope of the military seizure of power in non-democratic regimes that make up modern. The types of military coup is corporate (the command of senior military officer and as a corporate body), factional coup (commanded by senior lower and only a few Faction), and counter coups type (resistance by disaffected factions and ambitious).
Next comes also pioneered a new type of dictatorship of Louis Napoleon, the populist presidential Monarchy. But this is rare. President populist monarchy does not have strong organizational support, and this is an opportunity for military leaders or strong political parties. After that came the new type of dictatorship, namely the one-party rule which then shifts the military rule. Another threat to democracy is the emergence of fascism which also beat communism because the area is even wider. Communist itself is actually a personal rule. A variety of printed history through a variety of phenomena to the shift from authoritarianism to democracy. This change began with Portugal and democratization in post-Franco Spain in mid-1970, and democratization in the communist regimes in eastern Europe. Because the core of authoritarianism is about personal rule. Even though it is a military group or organization. Organizations are instruments and containers used to make a personal rule leaders.
Authoritarian regime leader is an individual. But it distinguished between the monarchy and dictatorship. Monarchy is a tradition that is older and different from other forms of modern dictators rule. The parallels are certainly on the way absolut in a single lead. Historically, monarchies it could arise because of political reasons. As we all know the monarchy in the Middle East to protect oil wealth. Another reason is because they have this tradition (as a dynastic monarchy). But in the middle east, the uniqueness of its monarchy is different from the way west monarchy (primogeniture), as well as the right of the people in Arabic to make a complaint to the monarch (known as the desert democracy).
While the monarchical dictators, frequent abuse of power. Leaders will neglect the military organization or party. This relation changes only make the organization as a tool to achieve certain personal power. Another type is also emerging that is sultanist. It is more related to the methods and motivational leader. After that came the concept created to explain the inclination of the presidential Monarchy Third World. In Indonesia we know at the time of Suharto era. In this concept of reversal relationship. Where should the president be the agent and should be the main interest of the voters.
The core of authoritarian leadership are two types, the first rule is personal. In personal rule is divided into three, namely the monarchy (traditional or legacy), personal dictators that arise relating to the rules of the organization, and the populist presidential Monarchy (indeed selected, but later became a dictator. Arises because the process of democratization).
The second type of organizational rule. Organizational These can be either military or single party. Military rule has the form of open and disguised. Open rule where the leader may not form a junta. The leader has his own ambitions to be a personal ruler and did not want to be limited by the junta. While there are rules disguised as military leaders to make a signature rules to protect the government or the presidency, while other government duties filled by military officers. But when they retire, people should take over the role of electoral competition for the spring legislative / presidential. From the history of Burma until democracy is finally happening, we can know that the military government that is actually driving because they indirectly control the civilian government from behind the scenes. Besides the military, there is also a single party in the organizational rules. This type is more ideological nature that can be identified to be fascist, Communist and third world. In a single party there are different structural forms that core on the way to prevent any party puppets of party competition. So the rules of monopoly is also formed. In this type, there are aspects of sense of belonging, namely through the ideological aspects that gave rise to three subtypes, namely fascist (long gone), Communist (printer one superpower in the 20th century, with the basic ideology of Marxism-Leninism), and subtype Third World ( dictatorship set up the winning party during the period dokolonialisasi until finally the wave of democratization swept).
What is the reason they rule? Some are based on religion (that their rule is 'the grace of God' or 'the divine right of kings'. Another reason is the basis of ideology. It is more global. A concrete example is the ideology of Lenin that was adopted as a commitment to Marxism.
Then how the structure and processes of control and policy? The totalitarian system is the extreme way of dictatorship. Nothing against the state. Not only become a totalitarian ideology, but also control the hearts and minds of people. In a totalitarian, technology is not preferred. They just tend to focus on the role of leadership. Another system is authoritarianism. In this system, although there is limited political pluralism, the absence of ideology as a guideline regime. But totalitarianism can be a semi-authoritarian, we called it post-totalitarian. The purpose of all it is the parties who dutifully follow the rules (even if the claim is not effective). More extreme authoritarian (likely effective) and a few dictators adopt it at the top of repression. While the way of one-party would have been different. But the same goal, namely to control the state and society. Authoritarian special also affect the social, economic and foreign policies. In making policy, there is no democratic election thus policy-making is clearly different, which makes the authoritarian rule can be more ideological and corruption in the rules of its own. And personal dictator will make policy without considering the knowledge or expertise. Because he is considered the most know (patronage opportunities).

Many who call themselves democracy though obviously he is a fascist (and then call it as 'authoritative democracy' or 'German democracy'). This shows how democracy is something that is ideal. Many ways are used to implement, but the fact is, though there are multi-party system, still a lot of electoral fraud, for example is the establishment of puppet parties. Actually, democracy is an evolutionary process. So is authoritarian, an evolutionary process. Either form entirely new species or subspecies in the form, authoritarian may survive or flourish. This may occur because the process of evolution as organisms that can adapt. And in this context, authoritarian can survive in the new political climate. 

Daniele Caramani (Ch.6 – Authoritarian Regimes – Paul Brooker). 2008. Comparative Politics. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press

Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011


Nowadays, in this modern era, all activities are free, unlimited or have no a significant constraint. Each of what happens in one part or a particular region can be immediately known by people in other parts of the world. Even as the sophistication of the process of digitalization and informatics at this time, the events that occurred in a remote place can even give each other an impact. This then needs to be assessed in a study, namely the phenomenon of globalization. Globalization is one of the effects of the many advances that occurred in the present. Globalization itself is a process of deployment of new elements in the life of a society, or can be said to be a process to exit from the internal zone that is owned by a community of its territory to the territory or other countries. Global activity experienced by a country or region may then lead to the process of entry of the influence of one country to another and then expand its influence. This explanation is also part of the definition of globalization which is still widely debated and many who try to define it. In addition we can also recognize globalization as a process of entry, for country or even other subjects in international relations, which crosses state borders. In other words the process for entry into the international association that is so vast and complex, which then carry implications for various aspects of our daily life. This global process which also limits gradually merge and create a world no longer seemed to have become an obstacle that limits the interaction is very free. Globalization is also an ‘internationalization’ process that can provide a sustainable impact in the interaction between countries. As one example we can clearly understand is the process of globalization in the economic field. That is shown by the characteristics of free trade that created all the openness in economic life or aspect. Feature of globalization that can also be seen, because in an economy that has been affected by globalization, the economic activity is in the ‘mondial’ scale or associated closely with the world globally and the process of liberalization had become a phenomenon that spans the globe. Also about another aspects besides economic. That is why the definition of globalization becomes very complex, because it affects many aspects. And then the process is too demanding for the fact that a country can not live in isolation (or we called it, isolated position). Globalization is also a process which of course lead to many changes in every aspect of experiencing the internationalization process. Not any more about the internal community, but also allows for sharing in the smelting process and limit the distance of each country. This phenomenon is too complex also may push an individual, community, or nation, must be willing to enter into the global order, or who became an international consensus in public life. Because globalization is also of course run by the influence of an agreement or practice together in a global system. That is why globalization does not have a limit in the development process.
Then why such a process could occur in everyday life? The main factor is about the fulfilling of need of every individual life is increasingly complex in the very modern era today. And then it calls for the expansion needs in shaping a network of interaction in relationships. And then there was a process of interaction that has been attempted by advancing technology and science. After the successful progress of the process, then the interaction in distance apart or boundaries can be overcome. In this case, we can understand that the development of science and technology are closely linked in globalization. Consciously or not, after the complex needs can be met because of advances in science and technology, then the global process (globalization) will turn increasingly demanding a life filled with many needs. In other words, globalization and make complexity of those needs that originally led globalization. This cycle also takes place continuously and resulted in a continuous process of globalization. And interactions between countries (or other subjects of international relations) will certainly appear evident in the technology industry, transportation, communication, information, trade commodities, and capital and money flows. These are facts that reinforce the phenomenon of globalization is very close to our daily lives. Globalization phenomenon also explains the high activity and mobilization not only in physical aspects. Because of technological progress also affects non-physical aspects that can be aspirations, ideas or any information that can quickly affect the entire community in the world anywhere. Because it was in the globalizing process effected a remarkable transformation that can be experienced by the two parts of the country at once, even though they are distant places (far away) geographically. Major changes also are also able to create a global order that affects the lives of all objects and aspects contained in the world or everyday life.
With the presence of the actors involved in globalization, the process also caused the dependencies among these subjects. It is also one of the characteristics of globalization are real. Actors in the process of ‘internationalization’ (globalization) can also be classified into several groups, namely those who actually support globalization (we call them as a globalist), people who reject (skeptics) and then there is between the globalists and skeptics.
Evidence of globalization is also the establishment of an integrated system, not only in trading activities or economics aspects. Because globalization is not just about economic aspects only. Among other things, the exchange of information, labor across borders between countries, educational exchanges, and international capital flows in the world.
But for some people, they think of globalization as a process of westernization. Or particularly  'Americanized' (amerikanisasi). Because the facts of this global process also depends on the attitudes and systems that tend owned by developed countries in North America and Europe, especially Americans (who is now become a center in many aspects of life in the world). That means, this process requires a firm stand in his involvement. For example, developing countries like Indonesia should strengthen its identity while still involved in the globalization process. This is to avoid any negative impact as part of globalization which can become a threat according to several viewpoints. Because there is no doubt, globalization is also about competition. And the process can also erode the autonomy and integrity of the national economy of a nation. Many impacts can also arise from globalization. Then the process can be regarded as a threat, that is when products and a global system to defeat local products and systems owned by a nation. Due to globalization also can not be separated from the liberalization of the economy that give rise to capitalism. And the impact that even concerns about the continuity of the sovereignty of a country like the edge of the annexation boundaries, as well as the seizure of natural resources in border areas that may be forgotten. But in a positive perspective, globalization is actually supportive of the progress in many areas. Besides, that process is also an increase in the quality aspects of culture, nationalism, economic, and military. This can happen when the demands of globalization there are international standards that inevitably, must also be met in order to survive in the current global competition.
That's why it takes a special study to examine globalization. Because globalization is a phenomenon that greatly need to be studied and the study that need to find rightly earnest. Also that globalization does not only impress benefit to developed countries itself, especially in America. So that the tendency 'Americanized' or specificity of other developed countries also do not evolve or too affected as a global system (controlling globalization). Even if globalization does it have to be followed, then there must be control and attempt to survive, one of which is to filter the nation's ideology. In addition there are several aspects that need to be considered and built in the face of globalization, among others, is the increase in the system of good governance in a country, improving the quality of human resources, and proper management for every available resources (including cultural). Of course, every country should be able to obtain benefits from its participation in the global.

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

RT : @Metrotvnews.com, Jakarta #SOMETIPS =)

Mungkin Anda pernah memergoki teman wanita sedang mengetik pesan pendek (SMS) bernada manja kepada si pacar dan Anda yang tidak pernah melakukannya pun merasa sedikit geli bercampur penasaran.

Hmm, memang canggung rasanya ketika baru memulai text flirting. Tapi tahukah Anda kalau mengirim pesan penuh rayuan bisa membuat hubungan kian mesra? Kalau Anda bingung bagaimana mengawali text flirting, bisa mengikuti ide-ide berikut ini.

1. Pesan kosong

Mungkin ide ini terdengar aneh, tapi mengirim pesan kosong akan membuat pria Anda bertanya-tanya. Ketika ia membalas dengan, "Kok pesannya kosong, ada apa?" maka ini adalah kesempatan Anda untuk meresponnya dengan pernyataan manis semacam "Oh, aku tidak sengaja, mungkin ponselku kangen kamu". Terdengar merayu tanpa terkesan cheesy, kan?

2. Kirimi foto

Ya, ini trik yang sudah sangat lama tapi tetap terbukti ampuh hingga kini. Kirimi si dia foto Anda yang paling manis, lucu, atau sedikit seksi. Tapi ingat! Jangan sekali-kali mengirimi dia foto bugil Anda. Selain berisiko, foto Anda yang sedang tersenyum sebenarnya sudah cukup untuk memuaskan si dia.

3. Kalimat gombal

Beberapa pasangan memang kurang suka dengan sesuatu yang gombal, tapi apa salahnya sekali-kali menggunakan rayuan ini. Kalimat cheesy semacam, "Aku rela jadi kutu di rambutmu, supaya bisa terus jalan-jalan dan mengisi kepalamu dengan aku" Funny yet sweet...

4. Puji pasangan Anda

Bukan rahasia lagi kalau pria suka dipuji oleh wanita. Puji bentuk badannya, kelebihannya bermusik, bibirnya yang manis, atau penampilannya tadi pagi. Namun, ingat jangan sampai berlebihan dalam memuji, bisa-bisa si dia curiga kalau ada udang di balik batu.

5. Pesan manis yang singkat

Pria biasanya tidak suka membaca buku, begitu juga bila mereka harus bersabar membaca SMS sepanjang empat halaman dari wanita. Belum lagi kalau Anda tipe yang suka memaksa pasangan membalas SMS yang sama panjangnya dengan kiriman Anda. Hmm, padahal pesan manis yang singkat dan teratur setiap hari justru akan membuat pria lebih penasaran dengan Anda!

6. Texting versus sexting

Pesan bernada menggoda berbeda dengan pesan seks yang kini banyak dilakukan remaja. Jika text flirting membuat si dia makin penasaran dengan Anda dan hubungan kian mesra, sexting justru sebenarnya membuat hubungan Anda terlampau jauh dan malah membuat si dia mudah bosan sekaligus berpikir Anda wanita murahan.

7. Hindari salah ketik

Banyak orang merasa terganggu dengan typo alias salah ketik. Apalagi jika kata rayuan semacam "cantik" tak sengaja menjadi "cantil". Kesan yang diterima pasangan pun akan berubah! Maka jangan lupa cek pesan Anda sebelum dikirim ya..

8. Personalize It!

Penting untuk mempertahankan jati diri saat memulai text flirting. Jika Anda tipe orang yang easy going, maka jangan tiba-tiba menjadi pribadi yang super romantis. Pertahankan style Anda dan buat si dia merasa kalau pesan manis itu memang Anda yang membuatnya!

9. Undangan

Daripada menelepon si dia untuk mengajak jalan-jalan, lebih baik Anda mengirim SMS ajakan yang akan membuat dia merasa lebih spesial. Pesan seperti, "Malam minggu enaknya jalan-jalan di bawah bintang dengan (nama si dia) tersayang. Mau ikutan?"

Setelah Anda tahu caranya, text flirting tidak lagi menjadi hal yang susah dan memalukan. Buat diri Anda dan pasangan nyaman dengan kebiasaan baru ini dan bersiaplah melihat si dia makin sayang dengan Anda. Selamat mencoba. (kpl/DOR)

Hak cipta dilindungi @metrotv

Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011


Check it out before we comment on :)

The existence of imported rice from Thailand to Indonesia is something that raises its own polemic in Indonesian society. Given that Indonesia is an agricultural country that should be able to meet the food needs independently. In this case we can study it with the theory of comparative advantage. Since Indonesia and Thailand actually had the same potential in rice. But Indonesia was preferred to import rice. It also can be viewed as a specialization. Indonesia was more profitable by being able to concentrate on other potential advantages. Given that even though Indonesia has a potential in the rice itself, but the climate in Indonesia is not predictable and make rice crops less than the maximum. Specialization is necessary for Indonesia to be more productive again. Rice imports this does not mean Indonesia rice deficit, but rather to ensure that no gaps in the domestic rice. Also consider the amount of rice consumption in Indonesia, where per capita rice consumption of rice per year was 139 kg per year. Then the import is considered as a legitimate policy to secure national rice reserve stock of rice production in the country when disturbed. No doubt, the climate issue seriously impact either directly or indirectly. The quality of rice farmers devastated by climate change and bad harvests in some areas also become a consideration to imports. In this import policy, we also find the opportunity cost. That is because Indonesia has the potential to actually meet the needs of its rice in the presence of local agricultural products, but Indonesia would prefer to import rice. This is due to the view that such imports will give better results. Namely strengthen Bulog rice reserves, while Indonesia also benefited from the strengthening of the domestic rice reserves. In addition of anticipating on Indonesia’s nature condition itself, if there is a strengthening of reserves of rice, then the government will also have more confidence in keeping prices stable. So even though Indonesia is able to own rice, but there was positive side that can be obtained when choosing to import rice. Imports can also be viewed through the side benefits of free trade, which is domestic consumers can obtain a stable rice prices (due to the strengthening of reserves of rice).

What next? We'll see, guys :)