Minggu, 31 Juli 2011


~ kemudian berpikir :

untuk diselami hanya dengan sebuah perkenalan ataupun proses singkat,
untuk diperoleh dengan mudah,
untuk disaring dengan filter murahan,
untuk dibicarakan secara singkat,
untuk dibatasi dengan segudang kriteria,
[ toh, akhirnya ketika kita jatuh cinta dan menemukan seseorang yang tidak sesuai dengan kriteria ; kita akan meminta pertolongan pada pasal KOMPENSASI !! ; kriteria itu akan dengan sendirinya melunak. hahaha (sungguh IRONIS! ), kemudian kita hanya akan meninggalkan sang kriteria tersebut secara mengenaskan ]
namun CINTA bukan berarti TIDAK MEMBUTUHKAN KRITERIA! [setidaknya itu berguna sebagai kompas dalam pengembaraan mencari cinta ]
dan CINTA hanya sesederhana kadar kecocokan yang dapat diusahakan dan diperoleh sebagai 'ANUGERAH dan BONUS' dari Yang Kuasa :))
CINTA yang berkualitas bukan berarti yang berbelit-belit,
hanya usahakan cinta sebatas yang kita mau,
karena sebenarnya cinta hanya sejauh doa,... :))


Diskusi itu mengasyikkan.. dengan berdiskusi , disadari atau tidak... kita bisa lebih membuka pikiran, dan tahu bahwa ternyata kita juga bisa berpikir demikian [pahami keistimewaan Anda ;)) ].
Hal ini saya kisahkan karena saya merasa baru saja bisa menggali sesuatu dari pikiran saya :))
Pengalaman yang menarik ketika saya tahu... that's it on my mind! [yang sering susah untuk disadari]

Kali ini kita akan membahas topik : KRITERIA   [wkwkwkwk ; penting gak siihh?!]
Suatu saat, seorang teman menanyakan sesuatu pada saya dalam sebuah forum [sebut saja forum #GALAU#]. Mari kita simak dialog aneh tersebut [ cekidoot! ]

SD : ad g si kritera cowok yg km mau?
Z    : hahahaha...ya ada lah...layaknya manusia normal...wkwkwk 
SD : hmm.. okok
SD : kalo blh tau, ap si?
Z    : hahhahaaha...
Z    : kenapa??
SD : gpp
SD : pengen tau aj.. 

Z    : hmmm..apa ya..banyaakkk...hehehhe... *mungkin bs anggap saya sebagai orang bawel, spt yg biasanya org katakan..heheh*
Z    : garis besarnya...
Z    : 1. seiman pastinya,
Z    : 2. Dia cinta Tuhan,
SD : ok?
Z    : 3.Komitmen yg bener2.
Z    : daahhh...
Z    : hehehe
SD : hmm..
SD : masa itu aj?
Z    : bisa milih2 dan mau ato nggak kalo ada objeknya... hehehe
Z    : kebanyakan sih tar jadi repott sendiri...
Z    : thats why...saya masih suka jomblo aja..hehe
SD : maksudnya?
SD : kalo cw g mempersoalkan fisik yah?
Z    : lumayan sihh... gak bs dipungkiri, itu manusiawi..hehehe
Z    : tapi bukan kecenderungan...
Z    : tergantung kadar kecocokan...
Z    : soal fisik itu bisa ditolong faktor kompensasi...
SD : gitu y?
SD : kompenssi?
Z    : yaaa,,,,
SD : mksudny?
Z    : thats why juga saya maless sok2 milih dengan kriteria...
Z    : soalnya cinta itu nggak bisa dibatesi dgn kriteria...
SD : hehe.. betul itu
Z    : kalo kita cocok juga paling gak akan peduli lagi sama kriteria yg kita sodorin...
Z    : hahahah...
Z    : bullshit bangeett kannn...
Z    : itulah cintaa..
SD : denagn komitmen terima aa adanya
SD : apa adanya
Z    : <<sleepy>>
Z    : yaa...
SD : tapi susah lho menerma apa adanya
Z    : iyaalaahh... itulah kenapa... kalo bisa nerima adanya bisa jadian...berarti mereka emang ditakdirkan...gitu sihh menurutku....

Nahhh,, dari beberapa percakapan [gak penting] di atas...saya sedikit terhenyak [lebaayy! ~^o^~ ]. Saya tidak menyangka, ternyata itu yang ada di otak saya selama ini... [yang mungkin nggak akan ketauan kalo gak dipancing sama si diskusi] hehehehe... 
jadiii, asiiik bukan diskusii *baca : rumpiiiik* ... hohoho... 
Itu hanyalah contoh kecil nan mungil untuk menjelaskan betapa menyenangkannya diskusi.... 
[ Sebenernya jadi bingung juga ; ini bahas DISKUSI apa KRITERIA siih?? ] hahaha.. what a heck, sambil menyelam cuci baju,,wkwkwk ^^

Bagi pihak yang merasa terlibat, mohon maaf, tapi penulisgalau  ini sudah berusaha untuk melindungi hak privasi Anda. Itulah mengapa, hanya digunakan inisial dalam tulisan ini. Bagi yang merasa, saya ucapkan terimakasih yaaa...sudah membantu saya menggali sesuatu [ lebaayyy : LAGI! ]. GOD BLESS US :))

(IS GOD EXIST OR NOT) - Just an opinion

Is God Exist or Not?

            In philosophy, the debate about the existence of God becomes a question that raises debates responses. In studying the philosophy of science, we must have a theory and knowledge, but we have to do the right selection to find something that suitable. It's called research. Research itself has two think of framework, namely deductive and inductive.
In explaining the existence (or absence of God), it is clear that there are battles between the empirist and idealist. According Empirism, they believe in the importance of the reality of objects and materials that can be used to explain the existence of something. So they do not believe in the existence of God. Because they do not see obvious evidence of God in the material. While on the other hand, the idealists believe in God. Because of idealism itself supports the existence of something because someone has thought or thinking activity.
The way to prove the existence of God is:
1. Observing and observed traces of God through the universe.
2. Observing and observed traces of God through revelation.
Basically, the revelation itself is suitable something to know about the universe, surely there will always be the term 'exist and no'. And for the atheist, it will always be a way to reject the existence of God and the universe exist by itself.
Then we called the material and immaterial aspects of theism is an Ontology or substance under discussion. Then we call the Thought Research Divine Revelation process as epistemology, or anything that explains how we get it (results ; material and immaterial) and how a science (understanding) was constructed. While the results of all these processes is the knowledge that we refer to as axiology, that is what its usefulness and where the dimensions of the invention can be applied.
Thus we can distinguish between Theism and Atheism. Both in terms Ontologikal, Epistemologikal, and Axiology, we can see the difference between the two. That could explain the dimensions of the debate about the existence of God, which occurred between Atheism and Theism.
Also another idea that supports the existence of God is thinking about how the universe and everything inside can run without tracks. This has led to the belief of a God who set it all. But then again raises the question of how to prove the existence of God.
For example, there are people who say that he could create a tree ( ‘plant’ surely different from creates), surely no one believes. Why? Because we know that in time and at any time, there is no evidence suggesting that the tree can be made by humans. Conversely, if there is someone who say that he made a house. Then surely we will believe it. Because we know that there is evidence that humans can indeed make a home. From the facts above, we can understand also that Revelation is something that is always connected with God. So, how do we prove it? Which is something that can be man-made, of course other people can make it. But if God made it (for example a tree), surely no man can make. Revelation was probably written in book form. Still, it can be assured that the revelation was from God.
Someone explain that if we have love then we also have a God, although not all love can be proven. Meanwhile, we should also know that a theory can be obtained from research or revelations. Many of the science that comes from revelation, especially the social sciences. Although there are differences of opinion between Theism and Atheism, explaining that everything must be proven by the reality of the material or object (empirism), while, others think that all there because of the idea or ​​thinking (Idealism). In fact is, there can be no mind without material and is also not possible existence of material without mind.
In the end, it is necessary knowledge to become a meeting point of two sides (idealism and materialism). Because in real science, that science is able to adjust the scope. For simple things, such knowledge can be neutral, for example : neither the theist or atheist, they will have the same assessment about the 'men and women'. As for the case in a broad scope, the science is value bounded (influenced by whether a person is godless or not). Moreover, in the context of concrete research and clear (also a clear terminology), then the research must be the same / value free. But if it is made an abstraction, then the result would be different. In addition, research results that have penetrated into ideology and free value will be questioned and its potential to be biased value. Because that's the privilege of science particularly relevant to science as basis for a debate. Because science is also what makes us to learn to love the truth.

Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011


Menerima kekurangan seseorang,
berarti menerima diri sendiri sebagai makhluk ciptaan Tuhan.
Karena Tuhan menciptakan semua itu,
untuk saling melengkapi :)

Jumat, 29 Juli 2011


Pagi ini seorang teman baru kembali menyapa saya,
dan mengirim sebaris link atas sebuah lagu...
meskipun enggan, saya pun mencoba mengunduh link tersebut
di sela-sela perbincangan (yang meskipun tidak saya sukai),
dia memberikan beberapa pernyataan....
yang sedikit banyak sudah sering diucapkan oleh makhluk-makhluk di sekitar saya..
rupanya dia benar-benar mulai membaca dunia saya...
"aduhh zi ; masih berharap aja ama yg lama ; msh ditungguin lagi ; ckckckck"
[sebenarnya sudah mulai tersinggung di kalimat-kalimat itu... tidak lagi bisa untuk mengabaikan!]
tak cukup, dia melanjut dengan :
"seprtinya km cinta mati ya ma dia ; huahahahha ; lebay mode : on ; wew....ga dbls..pasti lgsg kepikiran deh. hhuhuhuhu. pdhal dia ud ga mikirin km... provokator mode : on"
[sebenernya emang iyaa!!! :'(( .. ]
"hhahaha kayanya smua cw kaya gitu ; terlalu pake hati ga pernah pake logika ; ya..ya..ya ; logika km gede tapi ga segde hati km"
[nohok bangeettt ]
dia pun kembali mengomentari tulisan2 galau saya.... [malunyaa...hihihihiihi]
"ckckckck ; kayanya hrs dngerin manusia bodohnya ada band deh km ; ato ga dengerin lagunya AOP band ; cocok tuh buat km ;  judulnya bodohnya diriku... ; dmn2 kebodohan tu ga ada yg terindah....." 
[yang ini penyangkalan untuk salah satu tulisan saya... :( ]
Saya hanya bisa kembali membenarkan dalam hati....

hhhhh,hari ini Tuhan kembali mengijinkan saya bertemu makhluk dengan spesies demikian. Saya selalu benci, sebenarnya... apalagi : DIA ADALAH ORANG YANG BERHASIL MENELANJANGI SAYA DAN KEBODOHAN SAYA, DENGAN FAKTA-FAKTA YANG TAK TERELAKKAN!!!!!
[oh, my godness]
tapi darinya saya lumayan bisa kembali belajar...
saya harap Tuhan mau mengirimkan makhluk-makhluk serupa - lebih banyak lagi :))
thanks God, i found him... thanks for being my friend- penasihat agung... =D

catatan galau ini,,, untuk teman saya yang tak kalah galaunya..yang juga mau berteman dengan saya dengan segala kegalauan saya...hihihihi  ^^
teruntuk : 
Henricus Ramadhany Pamungkas
sebatang teman baru yang berhabitat IPB - Fakultas Kehutanan - Jurusan Manajemen Kehutanan
nice to meet u... =D

Kamis, 28 Juli 2011


 * Oriflame bisa juga lhoo reekk, kita sebut sebagai salah satu teladan hasil wirausaha, yaitu kegigihan Opa Jonas dan Robert af Jochnick. Mereka adalah orang kreatif yang kemudian punya sesuatu yang masih bisa kita lihat dan nikmati sekarang. Sungguh prestasi yang luarrr biasa... ckckkck... Yuuk, belajar dari mereka  :)) 

Oriflame is a Swedish cosmetics product, founded by two brothers, Jonas and Robert af Jochnick, in 1967. They were youth who have a strong vision to launch an entrepreneurship. Jonas, the older which aged 30 years and works at the language course. Robert, 27 years old, the younger,  who work as vacuum cleaner vendor in Electrolux Company, employee in the Coca-Cola all at once. Their young souls have supported the initiative to change lives by having an independent livelihood. They were inspired by the natural beauty of Swedish women, and want to 'pack' that beauty in the bottle. So they start thinking to realize these ideas by creating cosmetics from natural plant in Sweden. Though have no background as a laboratory expert or cosmetic formulations, they remain optimistic and believe that idea is about the courage to realize a dream. There is no wasted by persistency, they met a beautician and made partnership. They were also thought to create a modification of the product which based purely natural. The first product was launched as 'Oriflame Swedish Care', shaped 50 products of skin care category. Apparently those products can be accepted quickly by consumers. So they keep trying to develop new product. Then do not just get there, they think that people will be interested in directly distribution model. But as a vendor, Robert understands how difficult it offers products from house to house. And the reason was those customers tend to unlike this way because they did not get offers from people they knew. They would be more comfortable when giving product recommendations are people they know. Af Jochnick brothers started to recruit some people to be trained product consultants. Then trained Sales Consultants will visit customer’s homes directly. In addition, the method of direct selling was chosen because the founders knew that at the time cosmetic products sold in exclusive shops, so people afraid to shop freely because they have to enter the store. They saw an opportunity from this fact. Moreover, consumers can obtain advice from consultants who offer products, opportunities to try the product before purchasing it, and also money back guarantee if not satisfied with the product they bought. That is why Oriflame develops in a way direct sales. This innovative way, even make it become famous and worldwide product uniquely. The Oriflame’s founders are confirmed that their main product is not a beauty product, but to realize a dream. Sales that were created also intended to increase the standard of women's lives to look pretty and make money all at once. The key to success in business is the entrepreneurial spirit that can be learned, the desire to succeed, and togetherness among the members. Moreover, Af Jochnick brothers initiated the idea to facilitate its members. More elegant way to offer was created through the catalogue as a new concept to invest. Consultants could leave the catalogue in public places. In this modern era, even offering appropriated to the dynamics of technologies such as bidding through the Internet and social networking.
Oriflame received good response from people in various places around the world. Evident in the past two years, the first factory was established in Dublin, supported by the establishment of a second factory in Warsaw due to market demand has increased so rapidly. Many expansion of target market (include Indonesia and other countries in Asia). With a reliable product quality and sales with a unique system, the founder prepared the bidding strategy to compete at an affordable price while quality improved. In addition to these tactics, the founders also decided to combine resources from all major manufacturers and companies operating both in Eastern Europe and other regions of Eastern Europe Oriflame S.A and Oriflame International S.A. This is done to anticipate investment challenges in the years that followed, considering the development of total sales increased by 500 percent. And within a period of ten years from that development, the company evolved again eight times more rapidly. Besides product excellence, other characteristic that make Oriflame more glorious are the system of independent sales (direct from the consultant / member who had been recruited). Luckily, Oriflame still hold out while it’s competitor have bankrupt at the time.
Oriflame is still believed to be a product that received an award for high quality and safe. With annual sales of 1.5 billion Euros, has 1000 kinds of products, Global Research and Development Center, with 100 more scientists in it and operate in over 60 countries with 13 franchise of them with 5 production units in Sweden, Poland, Russia, China , and India. In addition, its products have also registered and recognized by the Nasdaq OMX Nordic Exchange.
Oriflame products are accepted easily because it is not just cosmetics designed for women. The original idea of ​​creating this product is the number of women in the world which very significant, inspire the cosmetic products creation. But with the development of era, these products then created with the target development. Thus Oriflame provides products for men and children. But a main target of course is the woman with the largest number in the world. Those who want to look beautiful while still care about the health of skin. Users also learn to care about nature. By the founder, since first created, their purpose is to create environmentally friendly products. By processing that does not destroy nature, and also packaging products are recyclable, the product was not tested on animals or use animal material except beeswax and lanolin, but material and natural starch. Founder started with the idea to product really natural product without destroying nature itself. They assume that the success of a product creation is also determined by other variables, the availability of materials consistently, from the preservation of its source. Any policy of production process reflects the operating principles initiated by the founders, namely ‘to appreciate and respect people as well as natural’. They do not want to just keep taking and taking what possessed by nature. With such observations and considerations, the founders try to create product by minimizing the use of raw materials. That means, natural ingredients are actually fully utilized without damaging the plant breeding cycle itself. Each ingredient is formulated, taken care not to damage the source material (to maintain the sustainable management), then processed securely. Also preservative used is non-animal synthetic materials. The concept for products not tested on animals also became an idea that became the forerunner of other industries to perform the same way. As the realization of the awareness of the nature, Oriflame also have set up six special environmental friendly conservation programs of scarce species. One of them is special funds provided directly by Oriflame’s founder to Komodo National Park in Indonesia. Besides, product also produced by the factory continued to receive quality control and strict environment in addition to high-tech. Because of it’s natural concept, Oriflame become number one of modern cosmetic natural product.
In addition users Oriflame also taught to care about the lives of others. It's not just about compliance with the interests and personal ambitions in consumer products. Oriflame is a founder of World Childhood Foundation and the Stichting af Jochnick Foundation. Hopefully, through that program, Oriflame can reach many disadvantaged children in various parts of the world such as street children, victims of sexual abuse, and those living in the orphanage. Oriflame also becoming supporter and benefactor of many charities remain in the world, which care about the problems of education, health and children. One of real activity, the company became an active donor in the establishment of schools in Latvia, as well as rehabilitation agency that was established for young people who struggle to live in Latvia. Indirectly the user will make a donation from each purchase of product.
Products offered are very comprehensive. Start from body care products, skin, and hair, makeup, fragrances, accessories, products for men and also children. Creating a complete product for the entire family is the essence of which was initiated by the founders for their products easily accepted. Until now Oriflame also become the number one product in Europe and in Indonesia as a cosmetics company which ranked first for the system of independent sales. For future business development, Oriflame will not only sell, but also founded beauty academies.
             Oriflame’s stocks currently spread across many investors in various countries. Include stock center in New York. Managers are team that has been formed as a representative of each state. Every state have technical advisor as center representative who took part in company management. Then there are level career from consultant, manager, senior manager, director of gold, till the highest level which is President Director of Diamond. Higher position means more investment in the possession and committed recruit new members in high number, automatically order of products increases, in other words, the investment increases. The advantage provided in the transparency result that guaranteed acceptance. The gain is a direct profit of each product (23 percent of the catalog price), performance discounts, bonus, and cash awards, or reward such as cars and free travel abroad. In the international trade, Oriflame products direct sales managed to become number one in the world with a budget of at least U.S. $ 2 billion.
           Even for so worldwide, Oriflame using Euro Monitor International A.b. Company Profile to provide reports and evaluations regarding the company's strategic brand assessment and the challenges of competition and future prospects, examining the performance of cosmetics and stock markets by sector and region.
            Now, the age of two founders are more than 70 years, but they stated that age is not a constraint to doing business. Instead always think curiosity that will keep them feeling young. So, there are many reasons for you to join us. Both as a consumer or member ( automatically consultant). You can enjoy high quality products and earn many things when starting this business. Being an independent Oriflame’s consultant means you must be ready to pick up success in the future. By choosing your own working time, and the uniqueness of direct selling which will increase profits for you in bidding. Be consultant also means that you will be prepared to help people around, by sharing ways to achieve financial freedom when they follow to be member. Easier access will help you because in Indonesia itself, Oriflame already has 14 branches in various cities. Registration fee is only Rp 39,900 (IDR ) for a member, you can print money whenever you want and wherever you are. So, let's join, make money today and fulfill your dreams tomorrow. (^__^)
1.      Oriflame’s Newsletter
2.      Sales Kit of Oriflame
3.      Oriflame Skin Care Guard
4.      Consultant Manual of Oriflame
5.      Direct interview with Lingga Curnia Dewi ( Manager in Surabaya Branch Office )
6.      www.Tempointeraktif.com  - Robert Af Jochnick, Mewujudkan Impian ( Kamis, 17 Februari 2011 | 13:14 WIB )
7.      www.Bataviase.co.id
8.      www.Tabloidnova.com