Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011



Democracy is increasingly seen to be something ideal when many events occur in the process of practice. Various regimes trying to make democracy a reality in many businesses in it. Although it is an authoritarian regime which significantly inversely related to democracy instead. Authoritarian regime is a system that can also be called the traditional customs. This regime as an inheritance, which the ruling that there is a single leader who obtained the right leadership and then run a government based on a single rule that made (personal rule).

Because this way is considered undemocratic, then evolutionary process is emerged. The first form of dictatorship is dictatorship by an emerging of organization leaders. In the chronology of history, this can be seen since the military coup by Napoleon Bonaparte as a pioneer of a new type of personal rule that is rule by the leader of an organization. Real case is the scope of the military seizure of power in non-democratic regimes that make up modern. The types of military coup is corporate (the command of senior military officer and as a corporate body), factional coup (commanded by senior lower and only a few Faction), and counter coups type (resistance by disaffected factions and ambitious).
Next comes also pioneered a new type of dictatorship of Louis Napoleon, the populist presidential Monarchy. But this is rare. President populist monarchy does not have strong organizational support, and this is an opportunity for military leaders or strong political parties. After that came the new type of dictatorship, namely the one-party rule which then shifts the military rule. Another threat to democracy is the emergence of fascism which also beat communism because the area is even wider. Communist itself is actually a personal rule. A variety of printed history through a variety of phenomena to the shift from authoritarianism to democracy. This change began with Portugal and democratization in post-Franco Spain in mid-1970, and democratization in the communist regimes in eastern Europe. Because the core of authoritarianism is about personal rule. Even though it is a military group or organization. Organizations are instruments and containers used to make a personal rule leaders.
Authoritarian regime leader is an individual. But it distinguished between the monarchy and dictatorship. Monarchy is a tradition that is older and different from other forms of modern dictators rule. The parallels are certainly on the way absolut in a single lead. Historically, monarchies it could arise because of political reasons. As we all know the monarchy in the Middle East to protect oil wealth. Another reason is because they have this tradition (as a dynastic monarchy). But in the middle east, the uniqueness of its monarchy is different from the way west monarchy (primogeniture), as well as the right of the people in Arabic to make a complaint to the monarch (known as the desert democracy).
While the monarchical dictators, frequent abuse of power. Leaders will neglect the military organization or party. This relation changes only make the organization as a tool to achieve certain personal power. Another type is also emerging that is sultanist. It is more related to the methods and motivational leader. After that came the concept created to explain the inclination of the presidential Monarchy Third World. In Indonesia we know at the time of Suharto era. In this concept of reversal relationship. Where should the president be the agent and should be the main interest of the voters.
The core of authoritarian leadership are two types, the first rule is personal. In personal rule is divided into three, namely the monarchy (traditional or legacy), personal dictators that arise relating to the rules of the organization, and the populist presidential Monarchy (indeed selected, but later became a dictator. Arises because the process of democratization).
The second type of organizational rule. Organizational These can be either military or single party. Military rule has the form of open and disguised. Open rule where the leader may not form a junta. The leader has his own ambitions to be a personal ruler and did not want to be limited by the junta. While there are rules disguised as military leaders to make a signature rules to protect the government or the presidency, while other government duties filled by military officers. But when they retire, people should take over the role of electoral competition for the spring legislative / presidential. From the history of Burma until democracy is finally happening, we can know that the military government that is actually driving because they indirectly control the civilian government from behind the scenes. Besides the military, there is also a single party in the organizational rules. This type is more ideological nature that can be identified to be fascist, Communist and third world. In a single party there are different structural forms that core on the way to prevent any party puppets of party competition. So the rules of monopoly is also formed. In this type, there are aspects of sense of belonging, namely through the ideological aspects that gave rise to three subtypes, namely fascist (long gone), Communist (printer one superpower in the 20th century, with the basic ideology of Marxism-Leninism), and subtype Third World ( dictatorship set up the winning party during the period dokolonialisasi until finally the wave of democratization swept).
What is the reason they rule? Some are based on religion (that their rule is 'the grace of God' or 'the divine right of kings'. Another reason is the basis of ideology. It is more global. A concrete example is the ideology of Lenin that was adopted as a commitment to Marxism.
Then how the structure and processes of control and policy? The totalitarian system is the extreme way of dictatorship. Nothing against the state. Not only become a totalitarian ideology, but also control the hearts and minds of people. In a totalitarian, technology is not preferred. They just tend to focus on the role of leadership. Another system is authoritarianism. In this system, although there is limited political pluralism, the absence of ideology as a guideline regime. But totalitarianism can be a semi-authoritarian, we called it post-totalitarian. The purpose of all it is the parties who dutifully follow the rules (even if the claim is not effective). More extreme authoritarian (likely effective) and a few dictators adopt it at the top of repression. While the way of one-party would have been different. But the same goal, namely to control the state and society. Authoritarian special also affect the social, economic and foreign policies. In making policy, there is no democratic election thus policy-making is clearly different, which makes the authoritarian rule can be more ideological and corruption in the rules of its own. And personal dictator will make policy without considering the knowledge or expertise. Because he is considered the most know (patronage opportunities).

Many who call themselves democracy though obviously he is a fascist (and then call it as 'authoritative democracy' or 'German democracy'). This shows how democracy is something that is ideal. Many ways are used to implement, but the fact is, though there are multi-party system, still a lot of electoral fraud, for example is the establishment of puppet parties. Actually, democracy is an evolutionary process. So is authoritarian, an evolutionary process. Either form entirely new species or subspecies in the form, authoritarian may survive or flourish. This may occur because the process of evolution as organisms that can adapt. And in this context, authoritarian can survive in the new political climate. 

Daniele Caramani (Ch.6 – Authoritarian Regimes – Paul Brooker). 2008. Comparative Politics. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press

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