Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

(just) 4 U NOTICED :D

1.    you never give a chance for someone who loves you
2.    you're waiting for someone else
3.    You're still waiting for a miracle to happen.
4.    you didn't know what to say to who you like :p
5.    You're waiting for THE ONE :'>
6.    you think that  " No one deserves "
7.    because you just didn't found the right person yet
8.    you do not want to be restricted by anyone.
9.    People (included you) look on the outside but not the inside.
10.  your expectation is a little bit too high.
11.   because you're shy to tell to that boy that you love him.
12.   You're too awesome to be anybody's boyfriend or girlfriend :P
13.   "i like you" is the #hardestThingtoDo ...or say
14.   You are too shy to get in a conversation with the person you love -_- (EHMMM.. #agaktersinggung)
15.   you're waiting for someone who never loves you back...

more than above all.. still believe that "GOOD GIRL FOR GOOD BOY" =))
or in 'bahasa' also can be explained by words of "kalo jodoh gak kemana!" (tambahan : kalo gak jodoh, ya kemana2 --> makanya jangan maksa! :D *peace :D  

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